About SAAZ

Hops-HangingWhat does SAAZ mean?

Saaz is a noble hop from the Czech Republic used in Bohemian Pilsners like Pilsner Urquell. SAAZ is also short for the Spacecoast Associates for the Advancement of Zymurgy.  What’s Zymurgy?  It’s the scientific study of fermentation.  And that’s what we do!

Club Purpose

We encourage and help new members in the art of homebrewing to further our mission of educating and promoting homebrewing and craft beers. We have members who make beer, wine and mead (honey wine) and are happy to share their knowledge.


The SAAZ Homebrew Club was established in Brevard County Florida in 1992 as an AHA registered (American Homebrewers Association) club.

Club Membership

Annual membership is $20 for an individual and $30 for a family. Lifetime memberships are also available. You can pay at the next meeting or online.

Please join us! We welcome visitors to our monthly meetings.  Check the calendar for the next one!

Feel free to attend our next meeting:
Check the calendar on the side bar for more information.

Need more information or have questions?  Please email info@saaz.org.