Happy December brewers!! Great time to brew those lager beers, it’s finally kind of cold…ish!!!!
Things that just happened:
The Meading was an awesome night!! Thanks so much to our gracious hosts John and Melissa!!! So many amazing dishes, meads and beers were enjoyed and discussed!!! And a special thank you to Ava for the individual bee pictures she made for everyone!!!
Rocky Waters brewfest was amazing!!! SAAZ brought some awesome beers and served like champs!!
Beer Trivia Nite at the Hardware Store was a battle well fought!!! HeSAAS and SheSAAZ tied for 4th place!! Good times were had by all!!
Things that are about to happen:
Pay your 2025 dues!!! These dues help support our club events and get you other perks like free entry into beer competitions and so much more!!! PAY DUES HERE
Elections for 2025 board positions in SAAZ are here!! Email your votes to secretary by 12/13, secretary@saaz.org. We will be voting at the winter party as well!! Get your votes in soon!! Current positions are so far running unopposed but write ins are welcome!! Say yes to all or write in your candidate for each position.
Current officers:
President: Seth Grablow
Vice President: Greg Bessette
Treasurer: Sean Greg
Secretary: Brad Mitchell
Event coordinator: Anita Rodgers
Communications: Claire Caruana
Education: Jon Nowlin
12/14, 6pm, Winter party at the Wormes!! They will be providing the main course so bring your sides and/or desserts and brews!!! White elephant gift exchange, $25 cap. Ugly Christmas Shirt Contest (too hot for sweaters!!), winner gets a prize!! Address: 4341 Davidia Drive, Melbourne
1/19, 2pm, January Meeting at the Dirty Oar!!! Education topic with Jon Nowlin!!!!
Upcoming Competitions:
3/2025 “Irish Spring” Intraclub Homebrew Competition. The theme is Irish with entries provided at the March meeting and subsequent awards at the April meeting. The winner will receive a $50 gift card to Total Wine. We will also have a People’s Choice award at the April meeting.
Competition rules:
The competition is limited to members who are current in their dues. One entry per person, with 3 bottles provided per entry. Entries are limited to the following categories:
15. Irish Beer
29A. Fruit Beer
29B. Fruit and Spiced Beer
30A. Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer
32. Smoked Beer
33. Wood Beer
Beers in the specialty categories 29-33 MUST have a noticeable Irish base. Judging will follow the 2021 BJCP Guidelines. The cutoff date for entry delivery is the March meeting. Judging will take place over the month between the March and April meetings. The winner will be announced at the April meeting.
1/25/25 1-4pm Science on tap!! Orlando Science Center. SAAZ was a hit last year!! Get your geek on so we can science it up beer style!!! SAAZ will be pouring samples of stout beer carbonated with nitro vs CO2!!
2/1/25 1pm – 5pm Cocoa Village Brewers Bash!!!! SAAZ will be pouring for this event as well!! We’ll need beers and volunteers for pouring!!! 401 River Edge Dr, Cocoa