Happy Women’s month all you brewers and brewsters!!!!
Things that just happened:
Bonfire night at Beachfly was an awesome event!!! The Beachfly brews and grub were amazing and we were all lucky enough to share some amazing home brewed beers, ciders and meads. I’m now addicted to peanut butter cup smores, so thanks to Anita for that : )
Happy Hour at Caribe in Cape Canaveral was great! Thanks to all who attended!!
Amazingly, SAAZ did pretty well with 70’s themed trivia night at the Hardware Store (despite most of our team being born in the eighties or later). Great food, brews and themed outfits (donned by trivia master Kyle and the rest of the staff at Hardware) accompanied our night of groovy trivia escapades. Thanks to everyone who came out, it’s always good to gather and enjoy time with friends.
Orlando Ale Line edition 2 was a truly fun time!!! Gravity was the best location, Rockpit was 2nd best but all breweries were worth the price of admission (which is lower for paid members!!!). We still have a number of seats left so we will likely organize a round 3 for sometime later this year. Stay tuned for details.
On that note, PAY YOUR DUES FOR 2025!!! Dues allow us to continue to organize these fun events and support the local craft brew and home brew community. Along with this, paid members also receive discounts on entry to home brew competitions and other events (such as the Orlando Ale Line Pub Crawl)!!! Pay your dues here: https://www.saaz.org/cms/join-saaz/pay-dues/
Things that are about to happen:
3/15 Grand opening of Rudamentary Brewing Supply in the Melbourne Mall 11am-7pm!! They will be open and ready to help with our brewing supply needs so stop and by and check them out!!!
3/23 2 pm March Meeting at Hell n’Blazes in Melbourne. Please bring your entries for the Irish Spring intraclub competition. Education topic will be on Irish style beers and how to prepare to enter beer competitions in general.
Irish Spring competition: One entry per person, with 3 bottles provided per entry. Bottles labeled (as with any other competition) with Brewers name, Beer Name and category/subcategory as well as any additional information needed for the specialty categories. Label template available on SAAZ members FB page.
Entries are limited to the following categories:
15. Irish Beer
29A. Fruit Beer The cutoff date for entry delivery is the March meeting, i
29B. Fruit and Spiced Beer
30A. Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer
32. Smoked Beer
33. Wood Beer
Beers in the specialty categories 29-33 MUST have a noticeable Irish base. Judging will follow the 2021 BJCP Guidelines. The cutoff date for entry delivery is the March meeting, if you cannot attend the March meeting please contact Greg Bessette, our VP, to arrange bottle delivery, he can be reached via FB messenger or via email vp@saaz.org. Judging will take place over the month between the March and April meetings. The winner will be announced at the April meeting.
4/10 6 pm Happy Hour at Broken Barrel
4/26 2 pm Spring Party at the Wormes is our April meeting!!! It’s a chicken wing ding extravaganza!!!!! There will be a chicken wing competition so bring your best efforts if you wish to participate. Other things to bring: a side dish/dessert, and brews to share!! While the pool is not heated it should be warming up around then and the jacuzzi is definitely warm, so feel free to bring bathing suits/towels/arm floaties etc. The Wormes are always gracious hosts and these parties are so much fun!!! We will also be announcing the winner of the Irish Spring competition at this event as well, hope to see you all there!!
04/26 NASA IIC-18, call for brews for this competition , see website https://zymurnauts.weebly.com/icc.html Beer must arrive in Maryland by 04/17/2025, there is time to make a brew, but not a lot. If anyone is interested in brewing for this or already has a beer ready that meets the guidelines contact Seth at president@saaz.org asap as we must register by the end of the month. Either of the two styles below are called for :
- One Hop and One Malt
- Will be judged based on BJCP style
- Brewing on the Ones
- One Malt, One Color/Flavor Malt/Adjunct, One Sugar, One Hop, One Spice, etc…
5/31 BOTTOMS UP BEER RUN!!!! Clear your calendars!!!! We need volunteers to brew, post flyers, plan, serve or run for this amazing event!! This is for St. Baldricks and we really want to be able to continue to offer them support so we need everyone’s help in any way you can!! There will be updates re planning meetings as we get a little further into the year. The beer styles have been chosen by popular vote and are as follows: Witbier, Fest bier, American Pale and Kolsch!!!! Sean McCoy will be ready to handout ingredients at the March meeting so come ready to receive a recipe and brew up some love for BUBR and St. Baldricks. If you cannot attend the March meeting please contact Sean McCoy either via messenger or at smccoy@gmail.com.
8/2025 Commander SAAZ!! Entry window 6/16/25 – 7/23/25, We will have sorting Saturday and a Sunday judging session the first weekend after all entries are received and two additional judging weekends, one at Hell ‘ n Blazes, the second at Beachfly, followed by the awards dinner the following weekend at Bugnutty. We will need volunteers for sorting, stewarding and judging. We need as many BJCP certified judges as possible to pair with our aspiring BJCP judges and make this competition a success!!
Upcoming competitions:
Coconut Cup – 03/15/2025 – FULL! Results TBD
Hurricane Blowoff – 04/26/2025 – FULL! Delivery Window: 02/24 – 03/21
NASA ICC 2025 – 04/26/2025 Entry by 03/28/2025 Delivery by 04/17/2025
Hogtown Brew-Off 2025 – 05/24/2025 Entry Window: 03/31 – 04/30, Delivery Window: 03/31 – 04/30
Hot’N Humid 2025 – 06/28/2025 Entry Window: 05/05 – 05/29, Delivery Window: 05/17 – 05/30
First Coast Cup 2025 – 07/26/2025 Entry Window: 06/09 – 07/03, Delivery Window: 06/19 – 07/03
Commander SAAZ 2025 – 08/16/2025 Entry Window: 06/16 – 07/23, Delivery Window: 07/09 – 07/23
Sunshine Challenge 2025 – 10/05/2025 Entry Window: 08/16 – 09/06, Delivery Window: 08/16 – 09/06
Upcoming Brewfests:
October 25th 2025 Space Coast Brewfest in Titusville, SAAZ will be brewing and pouring for this event, plan your brews now!!!
November Rocky Water Brewfest (Melbourne)
See you all soon!!!!