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In this edition:
SAAZ Platinum Sponsor |
SAAZ Spring Party
Saturday, March 22nd – 12 Noon at Suntree Rotary Park
Come early to set up, there is unfortunately not a Beer Engine Fairy!
Bring your homebrew to share and a side dish
SAAZ will provide hotdogs, hamburgers and veggie option
BIG RAFFLE – bring your $$$
Bring your $20 and sign up for the Tampa Pub Crawl
Upcoming Events
St. Baldricks’s Shave Event – March 15th, 1pm – The Avenue Viera
Join the Largest Volunteer Funding effort for Childhood Research Grants in the WORLD! Sign up today to have a GREAT Time and help a kid! Don Ferris has set up a SAAZ team, come join him and support our charity of choice for the Bottoms Up Beer Run! http://www.stbaldricks.org/teams/mypage/88362/2014
Tampa Pub Crawl – April 5th
Everyone who went on the Jacksonville trip can tell you how much fun it was! Watch out, this time SAAZ takes on the breweries of Tampa. We will have the party bus transport us to and from Tampa, meet at Crispy’s at 8:15AM. The list of breweries is still being finalized, but the likely lineup includes Cigar City Brewing, Cigar City Brew Pub, 7venth Sun Brewery, Dunedin Brewery, Rapp Brewing Company, Green Bench Brewing and Cycle Brewing. We have also secured a special behind the scenes tour of CCB with some of the brewers! The price is only $20 – you must be a paid member in good standing. Sign up and pay at the next meeting, space is limited to 50 people. Join us for a tour of some of Tampa’s best breweries.
April SAAZ Meeting – April 13th – WOB Viera – 2pm
2014 Dues
If you want to be included in all the fun events SAAZ has coming up, it’s time to renew your membership. Come on slackers, dues are long overdue now for 2014! Please pay the Treasurer (Sean Gregg) at any club meeting or online at our website via PayPal – Click here to pay.
Individual Membership = $15
Couple’s Membership = $25
Lifetime Membership = $150
Spring Fling with Smoked Wings
SAAZ will be hosting their 2nd Spring Fling with Smoked Wings Intra-Club Homebrew Competition on May 18th, 2014 at the Broken Barrel Tavern! This is a great way to get feedback on your brews, win some prizes, and earn some SAAZ bragging rights. Ohhh…and did I mention WINGS?! Prizes will be awarded to the winners in each category and the Best of Show. Entries will be judged by fellow SAAZ members and BJCP judges based on the BJCP Style Guidelines. Entries are $4 each – Cash or check only (NO PayPal). Please submit 3 bottles per entry (2 bottle entries are accepted but will not be eligible for B.O.S.). Here is the link for online registration via the Reggie entry system. Please bring your entries to any of the SAAZ monthly meetings or drop them off with an officer. Online entry and drop-off deadline is May 3, 2014! Let’s get to brewing! If you have any questions feel free to contact Andrew Carpenter.
We are accepting entries in several styles grouped into the following categories:
1. Pale Ale (10A) & IPA (14)
2. Porters (12) & Stouts (13)
3. Cider & Mead (24-28)
4. Fruit (20), Spice, Herb, Veggie (21), & Specialty (23)
Upcoming Competitions
Coconut Cup – March 22nd – Miami, FL
The 2014 Coconut Cup has received 400 online entries so it will be a record-setting event for the Miami Area Society of Homebrewers (MASH). We would appreciate your help in evaluating this year’s entries. Judges (or aspiring judges) of all levels of experience are invited to participate. RSVP to Scott Graham if you can help.
Preliminary judging sessions scheduled:
- March 10th, Monday, 5:00PM-???, at Daddy Brews
- March 15th, Saturday, noon-???, at Denise & Scott Graham’s home
- March 16th, Sunday, noon-???, at Daddy Brews
Main event scheduled:
- March 21st, Friday, noon-???, at the American Legion South Miami post
- March 22nd, Saturday, 9:00AM-???, at the American Legion South Miami post
ICC-8 Homebrew Competition: A Homebrew Competition for the NASA Community – April 2014
- 3 commercial beers in 3 different styles have been chosen:
- IPA: Dogfish Head 60 minute IPA
- Porter: Sierra Nevada Porter
- Belgium: Saison Dupont
- Each Center selects the 3 best beers from all 3 styles
- Additional points given to the homebrew that tastes most like the commercial equivalent
- All entries will be sent to a single judging location (TBD), due in early April 2014
- Competition / judging will be held the end of April 2014
- Contact Andrew Carpenter with any questions
Check out the American Homebrewers Association website for a complete list of the 2014 competitions
Happy Birthday!
Troy Beechner
Dave Bennett
Robin Bennett
Mike Ellis
Dan Shirah
Don’t see your name? It could be that Secretary Dan Shirah doesn’t have your completed membership form. Ask him for one at the next meeting so we can include you!
SAAZ Library
Have you ever wanted to read up on how to make different styles of beer? Or perhaps you would like to see different techniques for brewing. If so, the SAAZ Library may have what you are looking for!! You can view the entire list of publications here. If you see something that interests you, simply send an email to the librarian with your name and the publication title, and the Librarian will bring it to the next monthly member meeting.
Brewer Wanted
Cocoa Beach Brewing Company is currently accepting applications for Assistant Brewer / Apprentice Brewer. The position of Assistant Brewer is part time (approximately 30 hours per week), Monday through Thursday afternoons / evenings, and otherwise as needed. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Please submit your application and resume in person. You may download a copy of our employment application here: Employment Application.pdf
Feedback/Contact Us
We need your help! We are very interesting in improving the club and we’d like to hear what you think. If you have comments or suggestions about the Newsletter, Website, Activities, or the Club in general, please send an email to editor@saaz.org.
Contact Us:
President: Dave Webb – president@saaz.org
First VP/Competition Coordinator: Andrew Carpenter – 1stvp@saaz.org
Second VP/Party & Event Planner: Kristen Beechner – 2ndvp@saaz.org
Secretary/Membership: Dan Shirah – secretary@saaz.org
Treasurer: Sean Gregg – treasurer@saaz.org
Newsletter/Webmaster: Anne Gregg – editor@saaz.org
Librarian: Sonia Miller – library@saaz.org